
Welcome To A Bucket Of Random

I have started many creative projects over the years. Most of them have, to be perfectly honest, been abject failures. For example, I have a book for sale on Amazon somewhere that when I got a royalty check for it a couple of years ago the amount was so damned small that it was barely worth sending to me. I'm honestly not even sure how I spent that thirty-nine cents. The book was kinda hot garbage to begin with. It was for the most part a collection of blog posts from a project that I have long since killed and made sure to line the grave with concrete so that nothing could ever escape. Why? Well, when I wrote the thing I had absolutely no perspective based on the age that I was at the time. That and I didn't edit the thing and reading it back one time I found so many small grammatical errors that I felt like shooting the book into the sun. Hell, my mother even got involved in the fact that she left a comment on Amazon pointing out some glaring inaccuracies about some trip that